Saturday, February 15, 2020

E-marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E-marketing plan - Essay Example Likewise, Internet has opened diverse range of avenues for businesses to conduct their activities and the best opportunity given to companies is of E-marketing (Rossi et al., 2007). Hence, the strategy of reaching customers and enhancing the customer loyalty starts with a strong e-marketing plan. The brands whether old or new ones, all need to design an effective e-marketing plan for reaching the customers so that the company’s expansion plan is successful and the business can earn revenues as well (Krishnamurthy and Singh, 2005). E-marketing is the latest marketing strategy for all organisations these days and it offers ample advantages to the companies as it allows easy and direct access to the customers, makes tracking easier, saves a lot of time and cost and most importantly marketing efforts can be measured with utmost ease. Hence, E-marketing can be defined as the means of getting the company’s product or service or brand to the entire world in a glimpse via the u se of effective electronic mediums such as Internet and World Wide Web (El-Gohary et al., 2008 and Grimes, 2010). In other words, E-marketing is the marketing of goods, services and information via various electronic mediums. For decades, researchers have used Internet Marketing, E-marketing, E-commerce and E-business interchangeably; however, there are differences between each terminology which can be expressed by the figure developed by El-Gohary (2010) as follows: In today’s market, it is vital for companies to do more than telling a story of innovative technology; they need to take advantage of technological advancements and attract customer flow to develop a good market share. Hence, companies need to develop effective e-marketing plans and strategies that have quantifiable goals and provide measurable impact to monitor the successful implementation of an e-marketing plan (Petrovic, 2009). According to Carmen et al. (2004), the conceptual framework of E-marketing is: The performance levels of the company can be measured with the co-alignment of the strategy with the firm’s internal and external context. The web strategy is made by taking account of 4 W’s as shown in the figure above to ensure that the marketing functions are effticient. The long-term performance of the company’s website is heavily dependent on the relationship with the customers and it will be the most important factor for measuring the company’s performance. Hence, the e-marketing plan of Blackberry’s computer will be designed following the conceptual framework as highlighted by Carmen et al. (2004). BlackBerry profile BlackBerry is among the top-rated and popular brands in the smart phone industry and the devices under the brand name are designed and developed by Research in Motion (RIM). The pioneer in the smart phone industry has introduced numerous products in the market taking advantage of the technological breakthroughs happening in the wor ld. Almost all

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Sociology - Final Essay Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sociology - Final Essay - Term Paper Example We would think that because of feminism, our society would be aware of the sexist attitudes involved therein and try to get rid of them as soon as it can; however, that is not the case. Families in America are still patriarchal and marriage is similarly male-oriented. To give a few examples, a woman who exerts more control in her marriage is often termed a â€Å"shrew† and is viewed in less esteem than a woman who is submissive to her husband, or always puts the needs of her husband before her own. On the other side, a man who exerts more control in the marriage is not looked down upon, rather he is applauded for taking charge and taking more responsibility, with those men who have handed over the control to their wives judged to be effeminate or meek. The family is a sphere where our society perpetuates constant sexism without it being brought to task, except perhaps by the feminists (who, it may be added, are often looked down upon for this very reason, as this is considered to be an effort of feminists to break down the institution of marriage itself). Much is needed to control the sexist behavior that presents itself in a marriage. For a marriage to be truly equal and free from any sexism, perhaps the best course would be for us, as a society, to come to an agreement that it is just as important for a woman to have her needs fulfilled in a marriage as it is for a man; whether these needs are personal, emotional or professional; a woman has just as much rights to try to get fulfillment as her husband does in the marriage. The feminist approach seems daunting and scary to us, however, upon closer inspection we can easily see that it is not so much as the breakdown of the institution of marriage that is warranted by following the feminist path, but the total emancipation of women in the sphere of marriage, so that they can be on